Seeing I have "accepted" this award I must pass it forward by giving this award to 5 more people.
Karinann @ Daughter of the King. Karinann has been a faithful follower of both of my blogs. This one and SAHMinIL Daybook! Not only that but I find her blog to be inspirational.--2--
DarkPinguis @ Scene in Spirit Okay, I will admit that if you visit the blog it's "empty". However, I personally know DarkPinguis! He is the love of my life! It's because of him I'm able to be a SAH, homeschooling, Mama! I wouldn't be 1/2 the person I am without my beloved DH! He has great plans for his blog, if only he would do it! LOL (perhaps this is what you need honey to get started)--3--
Shawntele @ Saved by Grace I met Shawntele via THL! She not only follows this blog, but is a member of my website. I also find her posting to be informational and fun to read.My last 2 nominees I don't know as well as I know the others. However I enjoy reading their blogs. I have found them to be very informational especially for homeschoolers. It is for that reason I will also give them this award!
Susieqtpie @ The Homeschool Messenger--5--
Evann @ Homeschool Goodies resources for Catholic HomeschoolersCongrats to everyone!