Well we got those EMG/NCV test results today! The results were negative. They tested the muscles and nerves from the back down to the feet. (Negative is a GOOD THING!!) This ruled OUT any neurological issues from the back to the feet. The EMG/NCV results also stated that we should be referred to a Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon.
As I mention before the Doctor that administered the EMG/NCV was very opinionated. One of the things he was saying is was that we needed a Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon. (Which I'm sure that was why it was on the results). The Doctor that administered the test also said that there was NO Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon in my area, that the nearest one would be either Chicago or Madison. (Both of which are a several hours away).
The doctor that administered the EMG/NCV also told us what he felt was causing my son's toe walking. However, his opinions would have to be confirmed with more testing. I'm not sharing those publicly on the blog because, at this point, his opinions are hypothetical. I want to share facts here because I know there a people following my blog, because their children are toe-walkers too.
Well not only did the podiatrist today share the results of the EMG/NCV, but he also told us that there IS a Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon in town. (Thank God) This Surgeon is NEW to town, and because of that it's very difficult to get in and see him. I got the impression that he's the only one in town and in "high" demand.
So the podiatrist took it upon himself to schedule us an appointment with the Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon. He told us he wanted to be sure we got in and got in soon! The appointment is THIS Thursday at 2:00 pm. He said if we need to reschedule it then we can just call the Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon's office to do that.
I was told it's easier to reschedule an existing appointment, then for us to call trying to schedule a new appointment. Also you can get in faster when one doctor's office call the other's office and schedules the appointments. That's why the podiatrist took it upon himself to schedule the appointment with the Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon on our behave.
So this is where we are at now with Superstar Toe Walking. Of course I'll be posting what the Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon has to say after we see him THIS Thursday.
I have moved to a new blog: Nikki's Thoughts On
Posting on this blog may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click on a link and purchase something. See our full disclosure policy for more details.
August 31, 2009
EMG Results = Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon,
toe walking
August 29, 2009
CSI: Workshop!
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
In my recent Thankful Blessing Post, I made mention that I might be taking my kids to a CSI: Workshop. Well just today I was given more info about the workshop.
According to the CSI CAMP website, we will be investigating finger prints, tire prints, blood presence testing, handwriting analysis, and there will be a mocked crime scene to investigate.
It is pricey $50 for the first child and $35 for any child after that. However the parents are encouraged to participate as well. The parents participation is FREE. So for $85 all 4 of us can participate. (originally I was told it was $50 for the first and $40 for the second: That's why I thought $90).
I'm sharing this here, also, because according to the CSI CAMP website they will be offer similar workshop classes in OMAHA, ROCKFORD, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. CLOUD, SIOUX FALLS, RAPID CITY, CHICAGO, ROCHESTER, AND MILWAUKEE.
They also state on their website that they are looking for new locations and that they offer their camps and other services THROUGH OUT the USA! If you are interested all you have to do is contact them. (contact info is provided on the site). They have a special tab just for homeschoolers and are willing to work with your homeschooling group/co-op to plan a time that would be beneficial for your group. I guess it helps that Thomas Jones the man behind CSI Crime Labs is a homeschooler too.
The date our that our homeschool group set up is the same day as the FREE museum admissions. I just have to figure out which one we want to do, if any! LOL
According to the CSI CAMP website, we will be investigating finger prints, tire prints, blood presence testing, handwriting analysis, and there will be a mocked crime scene to investigate.
It is pricey $50 for the first child and $35 for any child after that. However the parents are encouraged to participate as well. The parents participation is FREE. So for $85 all 4 of us can participate. (originally I was told it was $50 for the first and $40 for the second: That's why I thought $90).
I'm sharing this here, also, because according to the CSI CAMP website they will be offer similar workshop classes in OMAHA, ROCKFORD, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. CLOUD, SIOUX FALLS, RAPID CITY, CHICAGO, ROCHESTER, AND MILWAUKEE.
They also state on their website that they are looking for new locations and that they offer their camps and other services THROUGH OUT the USA! If you are interested all you have to do is contact them. (contact info is provided on the site). They have a special tab just for homeschoolers and are willing to work with your homeschooling group/co-op to plan a time that would be beneficial for your group. I guess it helps that Thomas Jones the man behind CSI Crime Labs is a homeschooler too.
The date our that our homeschool group set up is the same day as the FREE museum admissions. I just have to figure out which one we want to do, if any! LOL
August 28, 2009
It's a Mystery Party!
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
The kids got invited to go to a Mystery Party. Not only that but they got asked to come in costume!
Anybody that knows me knows that coming up with costumes isn't always my cup of tea! It took me some time to come up with the kid's costumes for Peggy the Pint-Sized Pirate. I won't have that kind of time this time around because the party is in in about 2 weeks. (The invite came today).
Here's The Deal:
Superstar needs to go as a nightclub piano player
Web-Princess needs to go as A sidewalk chalk Artist.
Ideas? Anybody? Help me get those wheels turning!!
Anybody that knows me knows that coming up with costumes isn't always my cup of tea! It took me some time to come up with the kid's costumes for Peggy the Pint-Sized Pirate. I won't have that kind of time this time around because the party is in in about 2 weeks. (The invite came today).
Here's The Deal:
Superstar needs to go as a nightclub piano player
Web-Princess needs to go as A sidewalk chalk Artist.
Ideas? Anybody? Help me get those wheels turning!!
mystery party
How To Homeschool?
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
I've been thinking about my website. I'm thinking I would on the homeschooling page like to add How To Homeschool Tips. Of course I could do this on my own, but I thought I would get some tips from all of you!!!
I'm compiling a list, so I will NOT be publishing comments to this post. I just want to collect data and when I have enough tips, I'll be making a post on my website.
So if someone, who was new to homeschooling, asked you "How do you homeschool?" or "How can I homeschool?" what would you tell them? Don't be shy, share your tips today!
I'm compiling a list, so I will NOT be publishing comments to this post. I just want to collect data and when I have enough tips, I'll be making a post on my website.
So if someone, who was new to homeschooling, asked you "How do you homeschool?" or "How can I homeschool?" what would you tell them? Don't be shy, share your tips today!
August 27, 2009
Thursday's Art Class: Picasso
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
We are blessed on Thursdays! On Thursdays the kids take ART Class with Oma! (Oma is German for Grandma) Today's Topic:
What makes a Picasso a Picasso?

lesson plans,
Free Museum Admissions Nation Wide on September 26, 2009
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
Thanks to Amanda @ A Few Short Cuts I've learn that on September 26, 2009 there will be FREE GENERAL ADMISSION to several museums and cultural venues across the country.
To Participate:
1) Check the list of museums to see if there is one near you.
2) If you find that there is one of interest then print out the admission card.
3) Enjoy your day at the museum or cultural venue.
For me the nearest venue is in the windy city! Even then I'm not sure if we'll go cause that's the same day as the CSI-Workshop. One would be FREE, the other would cost us $90. Oh my decisions, decisions, decisions..... LOL
Is there a museum or cultural venue near you? Are you going to participate?
To Participate:
1) Check the list of museums to see if there is one near you.
2) If you find that there is one of interest then print out the admission card.
3) Enjoy your day at the museum or cultural venue.
For me the nearest venue is in the windy city! Even then I'm not sure if we'll go cause that's the same day as the CSI-Workshop. One would be FREE, the other would cost us $90. Oh my decisions, decisions, decisions..... LOL
Is there a museum or cultural venue near you? Are you going to participate?
August 26, 2009
Guest Article: Homeschooling Mistakes You Must Not Make
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
I have been blessed with being able to publish a Guest Article on my web-site: Catholic Christian Living. I'm sharing the information about this guest article here on my blog, because it has to do with homeschooling.
The Article: Homeschooling Mistakes You Must Not Make
Author: Adrienne Carlson
Author's Website: Online Christian Colleges
The Article: Homeschooling Mistakes You Must Not Make
Author: Adrienne Carlson
Author's Website: Online Christian Colleges
No comments:
homeschooling help
August 25, 2009
Toe Walking! Update??
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
I so wish I had an update to give you all, especially those that are following because they want to learn more about my son's toe walking....
I DID go to the doctor's office only to learn that he STILL does NOT have the results of the EMG/NCV test! That test was 2 weeks ago and he should have had the result by now...
It's of course is not his fault seeing he's waiting to get them from another office. The office that is handling the test messed up! So it may be another 2-3 weeks before I will have results.
All I can say is hang tight and as soon as I know something I'll post it here.
On the plus side I DID NOT and WILL NOT get charged for today's office visit! :)
I DID go to the doctor's office only to learn that he STILL does NOT have the results of the EMG/NCV test! That test was 2 weeks ago and he should have had the result by now...
It's of course is not his fault seeing he's waiting to get them from another office. The office that is handling the test messed up! So it may be another 2-3 weeks before I will have results.
All I can say is hang tight and as soon as I know something I'll post it here.
On the plus side I DID NOT and WILL NOT get charged for today's office visit! :)
toe walking
Where In The World...
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
Is Carmen Sandiego? LOL Do you remember that game? I remember playing that in computer lab in 6th-7th grade.
Actually this post is about: Where in The World Are the Readers of Catholic Christian Homeschooling? I use sitemeter to help track how many hits (visitors) per day I get and where those hits (visitors) come from.

The above picture of where my last 100 visitors came from. The red dot was the last one, the green dots are visitors 2-10, and the white ones are visitors 11-100. Of course if you look at my visitor meter it's clear that I've had more then 100 visitors, it's just I can only see the last 100 on the map.
As you can see I've had at least one hit from every continent but Antarctica! Why don't I get any hits (visitors) from Antarctica?? Is it illegal to homeschool in Antarctica? Are the people there against homeschooling? Or is it simply they just don't have internet? Why don't they have internet? You would think that with it being 2009 there would be internet in Antarctica!!
Maybe the people there are to busy trying to stay warm that they just don't care about blogs!!
Footnote: According to Wikipedia Antarctica has about 1,000 non-permanent residents. I'm sure they are there for "scientific" reasons; but honestly is it to much to ask for someone from Antarctica to visit my blog? LOL!!! --Cheesy Grin--
Hey, it's okay really!! I just think it's cool that I have touched the world with my little blog, well almost the world~~maybe some day I'll get a visitor from Antarctica.
Actually this post is about: Where in The World Are the Readers of Catholic Christian Homeschooling? I use sitemeter to help track how many hits (visitors) per day I get and where those hits (visitors) come from.

The above picture of where my last 100 visitors came from. The red dot was the last one, the green dots are visitors 2-10, and the white ones are visitors 11-100. Of course if you look at my visitor meter it's clear that I've had more then 100 visitors, it's just I can only see the last 100 on the map.
As you can see I've had at least one hit from every continent but Antarctica! Why don't I get any hits (visitors) from Antarctica?? Is it illegal to homeschool in Antarctica? Are the people there against homeschooling? Or is it simply they just don't have internet? Why don't they have internet? You would think that with it being 2009 there would be internet in Antarctica!!
Maybe the people there are to busy trying to stay warm that they just don't care about blogs!!
Footnote: According to Wikipedia Antarctica has about 1,000 non-permanent residents. I'm sure they are there for "scientific" reasons; but honestly is it to much to ask for someone from Antarctica to visit my blog? LOL!!! --Cheesy Grin--
Hey, it's okay really!! I just think it's cool that I have touched the world with my little blog, well almost the world~~maybe some day I'll get a visitor from Antarctica.
August 21, 2009
For my Catholic Readers:
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
USCCB - Roman Missal | Examples
Have you seen the NEW wording for the NEW missal? I just wanted to post this as an FYI for my Catholic Readers. Now that I have shared this we will go back to our normal topic.
PS: I've turned off comments for this post, because I really just wanted to use this as an FYI for my Catholic Readers.
I under normal circumstance would direct you to my website and say let's use the forum section to have a discussion about the new missal, but I'm having issues with my website's format right now and the forum section is not readable. Webs.com hosts my website and I have contacted them to let them know I'm having issues. I' m just waiting for them to get back to me. Hopefully I will have that fix soon!
Have you seen the NEW wording for the NEW missal? I just wanted to post this as an FYI for my Catholic Readers. Now that I have shared this we will go back to our normal topic.
PS: I've turned off comments for this post, because I really just wanted to use this as an FYI for my Catholic Readers.
I under normal circumstance would direct you to my website and say let's use the forum section to have a discussion about the new missal, but I'm having issues with my website's format right now and the forum section is not readable. Webs.com hosts my website and I have contacted them to let them know I'm having issues. I' m just waiting for them to get back to me. Hopefully I will have that fix soon!
No comments:
Roman Missal
Superstar Swim Team?
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
Well we were told last night that superstar swimming is good enough to join the swim team. We are NOT going to pursue that right now because of this toe walking. We want to see what the doctor has to say. We still do not have the results of the EMG/NCV. We should have them soon.
Honestly, I'm impressed with superstar's ability. He only started to take swimming lessons in March 2009 (maybe February 2009). His very first lesson was sitting on the steps of the pool learning how to blow bubbles and getting comfortable with having his head in the water, then he moved to the back float. Now he's learning how to do the breast stroke along with "dolphin" kicks, and other swim styles like freestyle.
The organization that we take lesson through has their lessons at a local college's pool. Last night Superstar jumped off into the water from the "diving board". (I am not sure if that's what it's called; it's that board that the swimmers start from when swimming in swim competitions). Here is a picture of Michael Phelps jumping of the type of board I'm talking about.
Anyway, Superstar jumped off the board and swam freestyle all the way down to the other end. Very impressive from someone that just started to swim 5-6 months ago. I'm not saying that Superstar would be the next Michael Phelps, but it's clear that he's just a "natural" when it comes to swimming. That's the only way to explain why he has excel so well so fast.
I sincerely hope that we can get some answers here soon regarding Superstar's toe walking, and I hope they are answers that will allow him to continue to swim! I would have no issues with him joining the swim team today, but we have to wait and see what that doctor has to say. I'm really not worried about him causing more damage to himself with swimming like I am with soccer or volleyball. (Those are the other 2 sports that Superstar would like to play.)
Honestly, I'm impressed with superstar's ability. He only started to take swimming lessons in March 2009 (maybe February 2009). His very first lesson was sitting on the steps of the pool learning how to blow bubbles and getting comfortable with having his head in the water, then he moved to the back float. Now he's learning how to do the breast stroke along with "dolphin" kicks, and other swim styles like freestyle.
The organization that we take lesson through has their lessons at a local college's pool. Last night Superstar jumped off into the water from the "diving board". (I am not sure if that's what it's called; it's that board that the swimmers start from when swimming in swim competitions). Here is a picture of Michael Phelps jumping of the type of board I'm talking about.
Anyway, Superstar jumped off the board and swam freestyle all the way down to the other end. Very impressive from someone that just started to swim 5-6 months ago. I'm not saying that Superstar would be the next Michael Phelps, but it's clear that he's just a "natural" when it comes to swimming. That's the only way to explain why he has excel so well so fast.
I sincerely hope that we can get some answers here soon regarding Superstar's toe walking, and I hope they are answers that will allow him to continue to swim! I would have no issues with him joining the swim team today, but we have to wait and see what that doctor has to say. I'm really not worried about him causing more damage to himself with swimming like I am with soccer or volleyball. (Those are the other 2 sports that Superstar would like to play.)
swim team,
August 20, 2009
Blogroll and Button
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
Dear Readers,
After several requests I have FINALLY have made a new button for my blog! To grab my button please click on the Blogroll/Button tab on the menu above.
The first part of that post explains how people are added to my followers' blogroll. The second part of the post shows my button for Catholic Christian Homeschooling and gives you the code you need to add it to your blog or website.
Thanks everyone!
After several requests I have FINALLY have made a new button for my blog! To grab my button please click on the Blogroll/Button tab on the menu above.
The first part of that post explains how people are added to my followers' blogroll. The second part of the post shows my button for Catholic Christian Homeschooling and gives you the code you need to add it to your blog or website.
Thanks everyone!
No comments:
August 19, 2009
Review: SpellQuizzer
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren

Creator: TedCo Software
Short Description: SpellQuizzer is a software program that helps children master their spelling and vocabulary. Using SpellQuizzer you can create custom word lists to match any spelling or vocabulary curriculum you are using or just to focus on a child's "problem words". SpellQuizzer makes spelling and vocabulary practice fun for your child!
Review: We had mixed reactions regarding SpellQuizzer. My son (8; 3rd grade) loved it! My daughter (7; 2nd grade) did not care for it.
For my son SpellQuizzer did turn out to be a blast to use. He mastered all of his spelling words for the week. Not only that but he was eager to get the next weeks spelling words up and going.
At the beginning of the week I sat down with my son and together we made a list of his spelling words. I did the typing and he enjoyed recording himself for the spelling list. SpellQuizzer does have an automatic spell check build in so you can allow your child to create their list totally on their own, which is something I'm going to allow my 8 year old to do in the future.
For the rest of week he used the spelling list that we made to study his spelling words and by the end of the week he mastered his list. I think he spent about 5-10 minutes each day on program. He would do the list and if the word was misspelled it would tell him the correct spelling. At the end it would tell him how many he missed total and asked if he wanted to redo the ones he missed. If he missed some he would redo them until they were all correct then he was done for the day. By the end of the week he was getting them correct on the first try. When he aced his test he exclaimed, "I want to use SpellQuizzer again! It made it easy!!".
My daughter on the other hand was not receptive to the program. She, like her brother, enjoyed recording her words, but when it came time to actually use the program she was very put off by it. She didn't like the fact that it said the word "quiz" in the title of the program. It made her feel like it was a test and that started the whole issue we had with her when it came to using this program. So for her it didn't really remove that dreaded "battle" when it came to studying for a spelling test. I know this has to do more with her personality then the actual program. She really didn't allow herself to get use to the program because she was upset by the name of the program. I would tell her it wasn't a test, or quiz, and she would come back with "Well if it's not a test/quiz why is it called a quiz?" She just had this preconceived idea that somehow this was a TEST and would not allow herself to honestly try to use the program completely.
But, even though there was some major resistance on her part, I did notice a slight increase in her spelling abilities too. I'm sure if she would have allowed herself to use the program without the resistance her spelling would have been better.
Despite my daughters reactions I found the program easy to use. This is going to be something that we will continue to use for my son and with time hope that our daughter will warm up to the program so that she can get the complete benefits as well.
We only used it for our spelling words, but it can used for vocabulary words for science, social studies, or any other class that would have vocabulary words.
Program cost? The program can be bought for $29.95 for a lifetime license for use on one computer or a "family pack" can be bought for $49.95. The family pack allows you install and use the software on up to five computers. It's not necessary to have the family pack seeing you can make as many list as you want with the program.
The purchase of the program also gives you access to FREE pre-made spelling lists. These lists can be downloaded and used with the program. They include a list of common misspelled words, a list of "sight words", and many more.
Another great feature of this program is that your spelling lists can be exported or imported from other sources. This can be handy if you belong to a co-op that uses the same spelling words. With using the import and export functions families can share lists rather then each one making the list up independently. Of course in order to use this function each family would need this program. SpellQuizzer does offer a homeschooling group discount rate.
So even though we had mix reactions here, I still think SpellQuizzer is useful and I'm glad that I have had the opportunity to use the program. This is something that I am going to continue to use for my son (8; 3rd grade). I hope my daughter (7; 2nd grade) will warm up to it, because it can help her too!
Disclosure: I was given a free copy of SpellQuizzer by TedCo Software in order to write my honest opinion of this product for this review.
1 comment:
August 17, 2009
Kids Say The Darnest Things!
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
"Daddy, be a MAN!!! You can do it"
That little gem above came out of web-princesses mouth this passed week while playing a friendly family game of soccer in our backyard. Web-prinecss and DH were a team, and Superstar and I were a team.
The kids were acting as the goalies and DH and I were running, grasping for air, trying to keep the ball a way from each other. Web-princess got a little excited and started to shout words of encouragement to her teammate! As soon as she started to shout at DH to be a "man" I started to laugh! It was so funny, just the way she said it!
But I didn't totally lose it until Superstar started to yell at me:
That little gem above came out of web-princesses mouth this passed week while playing a friendly family game of soccer in our backyard. Web-prinecss and DH were a team, and Superstar and I were a team.
The kids were acting as the goalies and DH and I were running, grasping for air, trying to keep the ball a way from each other. Web-princess got a little excited and started to shout words of encouragement to her teammate! As soon as she started to shout at DH to be a "man" I started to laugh! It was so funny, just the way she said it!
But I didn't totally lose it until Superstar started to yell at me:
"Come on Mom! You can do it! Be stronger then a MAN, be a WOMAN!"
As soon as my darling son, Superstar, started shouting that at me I collapsed to the ground with laughter! Both of my kids just had me in stitches! Kids to do say....
Speaking of in stitches, the following may be a little to much info, but it was just to funny not to share. So Saturday Morning we meet up with my FIL (father-in-law) for breakfast. The restaurant we met him at is a part of a shopping center, grocery store, hair salons, hardware stores etc.
In the course of our meal at the restaurant I realize I'm in need of some feminine products, so as we were walking out of the restaurant I tell my DH I'm going to go to the the grocery store right there to get the feminine products (pads) that I need. I walk into the store; a store I do not shop at, so I'm not familiar with the layout. I walk in with a mission to get out as soon as possible.
I find a row of items that I believed to be feminine products. To be honest, I didn't really look at the packages. I was just trying to get in and out, seeing my family was waiting in the parking lot, we had plans to go mini-putting so I didn't want to keep them waiting.
I grabbed a small bag of the generic store brand. I just wanted in and out. I didn't really pay attention to what I had, after all I'm 30 and surely I know what a box/bag of pads are! So I grab them, bought them, got in the car, and we proceed to drive to the mini-golf place. During the drive I open the bag. I was going to pull one out to put it in my purse so I can take care of things as soon as we got to the mini-golf place.
DH, said to me, didn't you do that in the store? And I explained no because you can't take merchandise into the bathrooms etc. I told him it's okay as soon as we got the mini-put place I will go to the bathroom and take care of things.
So I still haven't looked at the package, I open it...and say "That's odd! They're not individually wrap?". I then also realized they are much larger then what I'm use too, but it's some generic store brand. It still hasn't registered with me that perhaps I have the wrong type product.
DH take the package out of my lap to read the label! He then exclaims, "Nikki, these are depends for MEN! Didn't you read the label?" I just started to laugh so hard that I couldn't breath or talk! So the only thing I could do was shake my head no in response to my DH's question.
The kids were wanting to know what was going on and DH told them, "Mommy didn't buy pads she bought men diapers."
After seriously debating if I would use these or not, (I have pads at home, I just needed something while out), I decided that I can't use them so I had to ask DH to stop at the drug store on the way to the mini-golf place.
I have added some updates to the post about Ryan, the latest update is an email from Mary Ellen, Ryan's mom. My heart goes out to them as they grief the lost of their son. Mary Ellen express that it's hard on everyone right now, especially Ryan's siblings. Please Keep Mary Ellen and her Family in your prayers.
As soon as my darling son, Superstar, started shouting that at me I collapsed to the ground with laughter! Both of my kids just had me in stitches! Kids to do say....
Speaking of in stitches, the following may be a little to much info, but it was just to funny not to share. So Saturday Morning we meet up with my FIL (father-in-law) for breakfast. The restaurant we met him at is a part of a shopping center, grocery store, hair salons, hardware stores etc.
In the course of our meal at the restaurant I realize I'm in need of some feminine products, so as we were walking out of the restaurant I tell my DH I'm going to go to the the grocery store right there to get the feminine products (pads) that I need. I walk into the store; a store I do not shop at, so I'm not familiar with the layout. I walk in with a mission to get out as soon as possible.
I find a row of items that I believed to be feminine products. To be honest, I didn't really look at the packages. I was just trying to get in and out, seeing my family was waiting in the parking lot, we had plans to go mini-putting so I didn't want to keep them waiting.
I grabbed a small bag of the generic store brand. I just wanted in and out. I didn't really pay attention to what I had, after all I'm 30 and surely I know what a box/bag of pads are! So I grab them, bought them, got in the car, and we proceed to drive to the mini-golf place. During the drive I open the bag. I was going to pull one out to put it in my purse so I can take care of things as soon as we got to the mini-golf place.
DH, said to me, didn't you do that in the store? And I explained no because you can't take merchandise into the bathrooms etc. I told him it's okay as soon as we got the mini-put place I will go to the bathroom and take care of things.
So I still haven't looked at the package, I open it...and say "That's odd! They're not individually wrap?". I then also realized they are much larger then what I'm use too, but it's some generic store brand. It still hasn't registered with me that perhaps I have the wrong type product.
DH take the package out of my lap to read the label! He then exclaims, "Nikki, these are depends for MEN! Didn't you read the label?" I just started to laugh so hard that I couldn't breath or talk! So the only thing I could do was shake my head no in response to my DH's question.
The kids were wanting to know what was going on and DH told them, "Mommy didn't buy pads she bought men diapers."
After seriously debating if I would use these or not, (I have pads at home, I just needed something while out), I decided that I can't use them so I had to ask DH to stop at the drug store on the way to the mini-golf place.
I have added some updates to the post about Ryan, the latest update is an email from Mary Ellen, Ryan's mom. My heart goes out to them as they grief the lost of their son. Mary Ellen express that it's hard on everyone right now, especially Ryan's siblings. Please Keep Mary Ellen and her Family in your prayers.
kids say,
prayer request,
silly things
August 14, 2009
Prayer Chain For Ryan: A Missing Boy
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
Ryan went out on father/son camping trip Thursday Morning and by Thursday Night he was missing! Mary Ellen, Ryan's Mom, is hoping for Ryan to be covered in a massive prayer chain and that he will be reunited with the family soon. Please say prayers and ask others to do the same.
Mary Ellen's Blog: Tales From the Bonny Blue House.
UPDATE: I'm now seeing blog reports that are stating that Ryan has drowned: With Sadness
UPDATE: More details on what happen: Lindenhurst Family mourns autistic teen's drowning
UPDATE: Mary Ellen's email in response to what has happen. Thanks Maureen for posting it.
Please still visit Mary Ellen's Blog and let her know and the rest of her family that you care in their time of grief!
Mary Ellen's Blog: Tales From the Bonny Blue House.
UPDATE: I'm now seeing blog reports that are stating that Ryan has drowned: With Sadness
UPDATE: More details on what happen: Lindenhurst Family mourns autistic teen's drowning
UPDATE: Mary Ellen's email in response to what has happen. Thanks Maureen for posting it.
Please still visit Mary Ellen's Blog and let her know and the rest of her family that you care in their time of grief!
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prayer request
The Health Care Plan! The picture!
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
So I admit this has nothing to do with homeschooling, family life, my kids etc. However sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words! This very visual chart explains how the health care plan will work.
Just like with the budget post I made a while back, sometimes it good just to get a visual aid. After all I believe that we, people in general, are very visual people.
click here to see a larger view and picture source
Still not sure what it all means? Well you can listen to Congressman Kevin Brady as he explains the bill and this chart.
Just like with the budget post I made a while back, sometimes it good just to get a visual aid. After all I believe that we, people in general, are very visual people.

Still not sure what it all means? Well you can listen to Congressman Kevin Brady as he explains the bill and this chart.
The above is just part of his speech you can go to youtube to see the rest :)
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health care,
health care bill
August 13, 2009
It's Lefty Day!
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren

I saw this little tid-bit on Hilltop Farms and I just HAD to share! I HAD to share because I AM Lefty!!!
It's International Lefty Day!
Why is there International Lefty Day? Well Here are just a few of the reasons:
- To raise awareness of left-handedness and the challenges caused by living in such a right-handed world.
- Educate designers and manufacturers to accommodate left-handers’ comfort and safety in new product and building design
- and well just so we can unite! We must stand together!!! (cheesy smile)
There is so much I can do now without even thinking about it! However, I know many things like learning to write was a huge challenge and forget about trying to sharped a pencil at school. I remember being in 1st grade an loathing, hating needing to sharpen my pencil because well I couldn't get that darn pencil sharpener to work right!!
just for fun,
left hands,
Update: Superstar's Toe Walking
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
No, news is good news? :)
We did go for the EMG/NCV last night and Superstar handle the test very well. I'm really proud of him and his ability to under go these test. An EMG/NCV is really no fun to do. He had to lay down while the doctor poke needles into his legs. With each poke the doctor sent a electrical shocks into Superstar's muscles. He also put electrodes on him and sent electrical shocks to his nerves.
With each shock Superstar would cry out "ouch". He didn't physically cry, but he made it known that it wasn't pleasant. I did take him out to DQ after the testing for his favorite ice cream treat! He deserved it after that round of testing.
We go back to the podiatrist office sometime in the next week or two and that's when we will get the result of the testing that was done last night.
The doctor who administered the test last night was very nice man, but was also very opinionated. He shared his opinions on things last night; opinions that left my head spinning and me in tears.
I'm personally choosing not to share those opinions here, because in reality, we don't know them to be fact. It would all be hypothetical and to be honest at this point I only want to share what I do know over hypothetical opinions. I know I have several people that are reading my blog that have children that also toe walk so I don't want to alarm any of them.
I have close relationships with several of my readers off my blog, and I have shared with them, because I needed to vent. I thank-you for your support, prayers, and help. (You know who you are :)) If those "opinions" do turn out to be fact then I will share them here on my blog, because I know that it will help any other parent who may also have children that are toe walkers.
I will keep you all post via Catholic Christian Homeschooling as more infomation becomes available. Right now it's just a wait and see. We are waiting for the results of the EMG/NCV. I will have those within the next 1-2 weeks.
Thank-you to everyone that has contacted me via my blog and off my blog. I really appreciate your love, support, and concern for Superstar!
We did go for the EMG/NCV last night and Superstar handle the test very well. I'm really proud of him and his ability to under go these test. An EMG/NCV is really no fun to do. He had to lay down while the doctor poke needles into his legs. With each poke the doctor sent a electrical shocks into Superstar's muscles. He also put electrodes on him and sent electrical shocks to his nerves.
With each shock Superstar would cry out "ouch". He didn't physically cry, but he made it known that it wasn't pleasant. I did take him out to DQ after the testing for his favorite ice cream treat! He deserved it after that round of testing.
We go back to the podiatrist office sometime in the next week or two and that's when we will get the result of the testing that was done last night.
The doctor who administered the test last night was very nice man, but was also very opinionated. He shared his opinions on things last night; opinions that left my head spinning and me in tears.
I'm personally choosing not to share those opinions here, because in reality, we don't know them to be fact. It would all be hypothetical and to be honest at this point I only want to share what I do know over hypothetical opinions. I know I have several people that are reading my blog that have children that also toe walk so I don't want to alarm any of them.
I have close relationships with several of my readers off my blog, and I have shared with them, because I needed to vent. I thank-you for your support, prayers, and help. (You know who you are :)) If those "opinions" do turn out to be fact then I will share them here on my blog, because I know that it will help any other parent who may also have children that are toe walkers.
I will keep you all post via Catholic Christian Homeschooling as more infomation becomes available. Right now it's just a wait and see. We are waiting for the results of the EMG/NCV. I will have those within the next 1-2 weeks.
Thank-you to everyone that has contacted me via my blog and off my blog. I really appreciate your love, support, and concern for Superstar!
1 comment:
toe walking
August 12, 2009
I'm Thankful...
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
I'm thankful that I'm able to stay home with my kids! Yes it has it's challenges and at times I just to want to throw in the towel. However, I'm truly thankful that I'm able to stay home with them!
It's not a large list today, my mind is all wrapped up in Superstar and his EMG/VNC test that he is having this afternoon. I pray that the testing goes well.
Oh wait, I just thought of another thankful moment! I get to go to a Bears game next weekend in the Windy City. Okay, I'll admit I'm not much of a football fan, but it's still a cool thing to be able to go do. Especially seeing I'm going with my Mom. (She's a football nut LOL)
Thanks Judy for hosting this MEME
It's not a large list today, my mind is all wrapped up in Superstar and his EMG/VNC test that he is having this afternoon. I pray that the testing goes well.
Oh wait, I just thought of another thankful moment! I get to go to a Bears game next weekend in the Windy City. Okay, I'll admit I'm not much of a football fan, but it's still a cool thing to be able to go do. Especially seeing I'm going with my Mom. (She's a football nut LOL)
Thanks Judy for hosting this MEME
thankful woman
CurrClick: Live Classes!
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
CurrClick offers live classes. These classes are done at home over the computer. In most cases you will need a microphone, high speed internet, and a computer. You may also need other materials besides the ones provided, but that is totally depended on the class.
The classes range from dance, to science, to reading, to learning a foreign language. The price range is also is anywhere from $0.50-$110, with most being under $20 (At least that's what it seem to me.)
Out of all the classes being offered at this time the Magic Tree House ones seemed to catch my eye the most, especially for Superstar! However, those classes are on Tuesdays and our co-op meets on Tuesday! So I can't sign him up! After all it's a LIVE class so I have to be sure he can be home (or have internet access) when it's the currclick live class time. I would be able to sign him up if it wasn't for the fact that the place that our co-op meets is a wi-fi dead zone! No wi-fi means NO internet!
I'm sure the classes will change over time so this is something I'm going to be keeping my eye on! Maybe there is a class being offer that will interest your child? Check It Out!
The classes range from dance, to science, to reading, to learning a foreign language. The price range is also is anywhere from $0.50-$110, with most being under $20 (At least that's what it seem to me.)
Out of all the classes being offered at this time the Magic Tree House ones seemed to catch my eye the most, especially for Superstar! However, those classes are on Tuesdays and our co-op meets on Tuesday! So I can't sign him up! After all it's a LIVE class so I have to be sure he can be home (or have internet access) when it's the currclick live class time. I would be able to sign him up if it wasn't for the fact that the place that our co-op meets is a wi-fi dead zone! No wi-fi means NO internet!
I'm sure the classes will change over time so this is something I'm going to be keeping my eye on! Maybe there is a class being offer that will interest your child? Check It Out!
August 11, 2009
Michael Jackson's Kids Catholic?
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
I use sitemeter to help see how many people visit my blog and how they got here! I've noticed a lot of traffic from the Google search: Michael Jackson Kids Catholic or Michael Jackson's Children Catholic.
All of these searches point to a post I did about Michael Jackson's Kids being homeschooled. However, I have the feeling this is not what people are looking for. So I wondered what are they looking for? Why is the word "Catholic" being associated with Michael Jackson's Children?
Well it turns out that Mark Lester is claiming to the true paternal father of Paris Jackson. Not only that but according to ABC News: Lester is saying that Michael Jackson wanted his children to be raised Catholic.
Now the question is Why Catholic?
All of these searches point to a post I did about Michael Jackson's Kids being homeschooled. However, I have the feeling this is not what people are looking for. So I wondered what are they looking for? Why is the word "Catholic" being associated with Michael Jackson's Children?
Well it turns out that Mark Lester is claiming to the true paternal father of Paris Jackson. Not only that but according to ABC News: Lester is saying that Michael Jackson wanted his children to be raised Catholic.
Now the question is Why Catholic?
Michael Jackson
Trampoline Wars: Gym Activity
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
Trampoline Wars is our planned activity for gym class. It basically is a child doing seat drops for as long as possible. The first child that fails to do a seat drop and and lands back on their feet looses the war.
The kids had fun with this game. Web-Princess didn't loose all the games; she did when a few. Superstar as you can see kept on doing seat drops even when the war was over! He wanted me to be sure I told everyone that he did over 100 seat drops in the 10 minutes we played this game.
After Trampoline Wars we did a couple games of Blind Tiger on the trampoline. For that game one child is blind-folded and placed in the middle of the trampoline. At the word go the blind child CRAWLS around on the trampoline trying to find the other people!! It is very important that the blind child CRAWLS!!!
Now with the Trampoline Wars I can understand how some parents may not want more then 1 child on the Trampoline. If that's the case my only suggestion to you is have your children go one at the time and count the number seat drops they do. The one with the most wins!
We also want to do a game of popcorn on the trampoline, but I have to get a few Nerf type balls first. With that game you place 4-8 balls on the trampoline. The child(ren) jumps on the trampoline being careful NOT to be touched by the balls. If the ball touches them they are out!
All of these game ideas came from: Homeschool Family Fitness

Here are some more picture of the kids smiling faces! (For more of an inside peak of our lesson plans for this week, click on the words lesson plans in the menu above)
The kids had fun with this game. Web-Princess didn't loose all the games; she did when a few. Superstar as you can see kept on doing seat drops even when the war was over! He wanted me to be sure I told everyone that he did over 100 seat drops in the 10 minutes we played this game.
After Trampoline Wars we did a couple games of Blind Tiger on the trampoline. For that game one child is blind-folded and placed in the middle of the trampoline. At the word go the blind child CRAWLS around on the trampoline trying to find the other people!! It is very important that the blind child CRAWLS!!!
Now with the Trampoline Wars I can understand how some parents may not want more then 1 child on the Trampoline. If that's the case my only suggestion to you is have your children go one at the time and count the number seat drops they do. The one with the most wins!
We also want to do a game of popcorn on the trampoline, but I have to get a few Nerf type balls first. With that game you place 4-8 balls on the trampoline. The child(ren) jumps on the trampoline being careful NOT to be touched by the balls. If the ball touches them they are out!
All of these game ideas came from: Homeschool Family Fitness

Here are some more picture of the kids smiling faces! (For more of an inside peak of our lesson plans for this week, click on the words lesson plans in the menu above)
lesson plans,
August 9, 2009
Lesson Plans Posted!
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
First I just wanted to say thanks for all the wonderful suggestions that I got on my blog and off my blog via emails! You guys are awesome for wanting to help me out!!! For that I'm thankful!
I looked over several of the suggestions and I've decided to get a scribd account. I've made up my lesson plans for this week like I try to do in Microsoft word and when I was done I uploaded the document to scribd. Then I embedded the document into my lesson plans web-page (see link in menu bar above).
I'm happy with the results! This is going to be such a time saver for me! So lesson plans for this week are up and posted! WooHoo...it feels so good to get back into the swing of things! Now if we can only get a break for this heat wave. LOL
Oh one more thing before I go. If you view my lesson plans you will see the kids now have "code names". Frankly I've been tired of using DS and DD, but yet I'm not comfortable with posting their names. So I asked the kids what they wanted for "code names".
DS told me Superstar and DD told me Web-princess, but I can use princess for short :) So from this day forward DS is going to be known as Superstar and DD is going to be known as (web) princess.
Okay have a great week! Superstar's EMG/NCV is going to take place this Wednesday, so I just ask that you keep him in your prayers.
Thanks and God Bless
I looked over several of the suggestions and I've decided to get a scribd account. I've made up my lesson plans for this week like I try to do in Microsoft word and when I was done I uploaded the document to scribd. Then I embedded the document into my lesson plans web-page (see link in menu bar above).
I'm happy with the results! This is going to be such a time saver for me! So lesson plans for this week are up and posted! WooHoo...it feels so good to get back into the swing of things! Now if we can only get a break for this heat wave. LOL
Oh one more thing before I go. If you view my lesson plans you will see the kids now have "code names". Frankly I've been tired of using DS and DD, but yet I'm not comfortable with posting their names. So I asked the kids what they wanted for "code names".
DS told me Superstar and DD told me Web-princess, but I can use princess for short :) So from this day forward DS is going to be known as Superstar and DD is going to be known as (web) princess.
Okay have a great week! Superstar's EMG/NCV is going to take place this Wednesday, so I just ask that you keep him in your prayers.
Thanks and God Bless
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lesson plans,
School Again!
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
Well back in June/July I announced we started school, then I said we were taking a week off because it got terribly hot! Well that week turned out to be the rest (or most of) the summer!
Which is totally okay! However, tomorrow we are going to hit the books again! Honestly, I'm looking forward to it and I believe the kids are too. Our homeschool group is also meeting up again soon...within the next week or 2...so it's beginning to feel a little more like "school time" :)
Not sure what there is going to be yet for co-op classes. I should be getting that info sometime this week. Our co-op offers a variety of classes. The schedule generally works like this: 2 classes, then lunch, and a class after lunch.
What classes are available is totally depended on the parents that choose to teach a class. We can be there for all the classes or just for what we want. Like the last semester of last school year the kids just went to play practice and that was it. We do try hard to have at least one class per age level, per class time, but sometimes it doesn't work out that way.
Anyway that's what's going on here. I'm going to be working on my lesson plans today and hope to have them posted soon on my lesson plan page. I wonder if there is away for me to post a doc of some sort so I don't have to retype everything.... hmm... something to consider especially if I'm going to be "sharing". :)
Perhaps some of my readers know of some FREE programs that would allow me to share docs or make pdf? That would also allow me to share them but edit them any time if needed. Not only that but the editing wouldn't effect what was shared. As a matter of fact it would auto edit what I shared. Does that make sense to anyone? Any ideas?
Which is totally okay! However, tomorrow we are going to hit the books again! Honestly, I'm looking forward to it and I believe the kids are too. Our homeschool group is also meeting up again soon...within the next week or 2...so it's beginning to feel a little more like "school time" :)
Not sure what there is going to be yet for co-op classes. I should be getting that info sometime this week. Our co-op offers a variety of classes. The schedule generally works like this: 2 classes, then lunch, and a class after lunch.
What classes are available is totally depended on the parents that choose to teach a class. We can be there for all the classes or just for what we want. Like the last semester of last school year the kids just went to play practice and that was it. We do try hard to have at least one class per age level, per class time, but sometimes it doesn't work out that way.
Anyway that's what's going on here. I'm going to be working on my lesson plans today and hope to have them posted soon on my lesson plan page. I wonder if there is away for me to post a doc of some sort so I don't have to retype everything.... hmm... something to consider especially if I'm going to be "sharing". :)
Perhaps some of my readers know of some FREE programs that would allow me to share docs or make pdf? That would also allow me to share them but edit them any time if needed. Not only that but the editing wouldn't effect what was shared. As a matter of fact it would auto edit what I shared. Does that make sense to anyone? Any ideas?
lesson plans,
school times,
sharing files
August 8, 2009
What would you do?
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
You are driving your car in a wild stormy night. You pass by a bus station, and you see three people waiting for the bus: An old lady who looks as if she is about to die. A doctor who had once saved your life. A man/woman you have been dreaming to be with. You can only take one passenger in your car. Which one will you choose?
Think about this for a moment and when you think you have the answer zip over to Why Homeschool to see the answer! I'll give you a clue: Think outside the box! LOL
Think about this for a moment and when you think you have the answer zip over to Why Homeschool to see the answer! I'll give you a clue: Think outside the box! LOL
outside the box,
what would you do
August 5, 2009
MRI: Results For Toe Walking.
Posted by
Nichole "Nikki" Warren
We got the results from the MRI today. (To recap for those that are new to my blog: My DS had to get an MRI done because of his toe walking.)
According the MRI DS bone structure in the foot is normal. So I was thankful to hear that. The next step is to call the hospital tomorrow to schedule an EMG/NCV.
NCV=Nerve conduction study
The podiatrist explain today that these tests need to be done to be sure that my DS brain, nerves, and muscles are communicating with each other properly.
That's all I have to share at this time. I'm thankful to learn that the bone structure is normal, but frustrated to learn that we need more testing done.
The doctor also mention that DS MIGHT need a foot manipulation under anesthesia done too. That's NOT surgery or anything like that. The doctor during the visit was manipulating DS feet, but felt there has been some resistance on DS part. Not anything DS can really help, just resistance, almost in an involuntary way. It's not anything that DS is purposely doing per say.
So doing an manipulation under anesthesia would help the Dr get a better understanding of what DS true range of motion is because under anesthesia DS will be totally relaxed.
According the MRI DS bone structure in the foot is normal. So I was thankful to hear that. The next step is to call the hospital tomorrow to schedule an EMG/NCV.
NCV=Nerve conduction study
The podiatrist explain today that these tests need to be done to be sure that my DS brain, nerves, and muscles are communicating with each other properly.
That's all I have to share at this time. I'm thankful to learn that the bone structure is normal, but frustrated to learn that we need more testing done.
The doctor also mention that DS MIGHT need a foot manipulation under anesthesia done too. That's NOT surgery or anything like that. The doctor during the visit was manipulating DS feet, but felt there has been some resistance on DS part. Not anything DS can really help, just resistance, almost in an involuntary way. It's not anything that DS is purposely doing per say.
So doing an manipulation under anesthesia would help the Dr get a better understanding of what DS true range of motion is because under anesthesia DS will be totally relaxed.
toe walking
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