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November 28, 2010

Summer Reading = Ice Hogs Game

Our local library like many local libraries across the nation had a summer reading program. For participating and doing the summer reading program our children earned FREE tickets to an Ice Hogs Game. Hubby and I had to pay for our tickets to go with them, but the kids did earn their FREE tickets by reading over the summer. So last night we went to an Ice Hogs Game!

On the way there I took out the camera and took some snap shots. I got told right away from the children "Oh no it's the Mamarazzi!" "The Mamarazzi is WORST then the Paparazzi. Hide don't take the picture." Thus the reason of the hands up look.
Of course we all started to laugh and my husband kept asking in between laughter how do you know about the paparazzi, but I don't think his question ever got answer.

Being the Mamarazzi does that mean I take to many pictures of my kids? Are you a Mamarazzi? If so perhaps we can have a support group! LOL!! "It's the Mamarazzi!"

The Ice Hogs lost (5-0) but we still had a good time. At the first break they were throwing free T-shirts into the audience and we got one! Hubby was the one who caught it! Hammy, the teams mascot also came our way, but I wasn't able to get his picture when he stopped and waved at us.  We didn't get home until after 11 pm last night!
Thankfully there was no CCD (Religious Education) this morning. That allowed us to sleep in so we can go to Mass tonight.  Next Sunday Superstar, the 2nd Sunday of Advent, Superstar will be serving as an Alter Server. This will be his first Mass as an Alter Server.


  1. Good morning~

    What a sweet post. I am the Mamarazzi in our house and I love it!

    How do you put your pics on a collage? It looks GREAT!


  2. Laura. I have Picasa DOWNLOADED on my computer and use it for some of of my photo editing needs. The collage was made with that free software.
