My DS picked out his own clothing and I must say I'm happy with his choices! DD even got a new dress for the occasion. I'm going to be wearing some slacks that I already had, but I went and bought myself some new shoes and shirt to wear with my slacks. Luckily for us, DH wears "dress" clothing for work, so he didn't need anything NEW. LOL
I have added a picture of the children's outfits for the day. I got DS outfit a 4 piece shirt, pants, vest and tie at JcPenny's for $20. I got DD dress at TJmax for $10 and my new shirt/blouse at walmart for $15. It really sucks when the shoes cost MORE then the clothing! Shoes today (3 pairs) cost $55 at playless. However we are all ready now, especially seeing we also went to confession today!! DS, even decided it was best to receive reconciliation today as well!!! (He had received his first reconciliation in January)
So we are now officially counting down the days to DS's first communion. The first communion Mass is going to be Saturday April 4th @ 2:00 pm @ our church!!! Congrats to my DS!!!
The one thing you may have noticed about the outfits is that DS's shirt is NOT white. It's blue with a white collar and white cuffs. To be honest, I'm okay with that. It looked really nice on him and he's going to look just fine when receiving communion.
DD dress looks more yellow in the picture then it really is. Her dress is actually a green. It also has flowers (white) and darker greens along the bottom and flowers around the waist. For whatever reason no matter how I took the picture the dress came out yellow. Oh well.
My blouse that I'm wearing is going to be blue, DH has decided that he's going to wear his green shirt. So we are going to be very "spring-ish" next weekend! :)
My parents found my daughter's communion dress on clearance at JC Penney's the year before her First Communion for $19.99. Her veil was given to us. I spent more money on the shoes and tights. In all the grand total for her entire outfit was about $45, but it absolutely amazed me that the tights and shoes were the big ticket items (probably because they were full price).