Summer is here. Yay! It's so nice to have BOTH my kids home all day long. I missed my boy so much sending him to school daily. I'm still praying and hoping that I can bring him home for the 2016-2017 school year and that my daughter will never have to go.
My daughter has expressed that she wants to be homeschooled so we will see what hubby has to say. -- we are going to address and talk it over in the next up coming weeks.
In, the mean time summer is here and the kids are home. Our days have been spend playing
Catan, riding bikes --
Puggy has really been enjoying the bike rides. Our start to summer didn't start well.

First, we had to give up our dog Onyx. He was a good lovable dog and we miss him, but he had social and other traits we could no longer ignore and didn't have the resources to properly deal with -- so we had to give him back to the shelter. We however got good news, from following the shelters FB page: We learned Onyx was adopted. So his stay at the shelter was very short lived. one week. We hope and pray daily that his new mom and dad were told about the struggles we had with him and will have the resources or skills to deal with it. What he needs is training, social training, that we were not able to provide for him.
Second, our car broke down. It's always something. We have struggled this last 1.5 years with transportation issues. -- I would be thankful once that is all behind us -- and it scary because the boy is months -- scratch that it's already June -- days away from being eligible to get his permit. YACK!!! That just hit me was I was typing this! I don't realize until this very moment we were so close. Wholly Smokes!!!!! That's unreal.
Now that it's summer the river market is open! Yay! Our local town has a river market every Wednesday all summer long. It's in the park adjacent to the river --hence the name. The market is a mix of ready to eat foods: ice cream, coffees, pizza, humburgers, donuts, etc, fresh produce, bake goods, and other goods like home made doggy treats. Besides the vendors there is live music. various local bands play. It's all free (unless you buy food, drinks, goods) and you are welcome to bring your own drinks. We don't always buy things, mostly don't -- but we always go, bring our chairs, water, and enjoy the music. The boy was disappointed because his favorite band from last year is playing the week he's at BSA summer camp.
This last Wednesday was the first market of the year -- We decided even though the car was still broken down, at that point, we were going to go. We were all set to walk the 2 miles to the park, but hubby showed up last minute at home (got off early); so we took his car. We don't like to drive his car, unless it's to work and back. His car is having issues to and we are trying to get by with just him driving it back and forth to work -- no extra driving around.
I have been reading
Trim Healthy Mama this week too. I have been curious about it for a long while now. Quietly stalking, lurking, in the various facebook groups, their official facebook page, blog, etc. I decided to go ahead and get the book and see. The book I'm reading is the new book that just recently came out. I guess from what I'm reading they updated the book with newer information and made 2 books. The
plan book the explains how it works and the
cookbook that just has various recipes. I have not looked at or have seen the cookbook so I have no opinion on it. I don't even have an opinion on THM right now -- but check back later.

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